Hiding from your eye none of the many things which others withhold, I step straight toward you with my heart exposed.
Walking not just as a person with steps but as one who leads with mindful steps.
The ox at slaughter brings forth more than a sharp knife and drops of blood, with life and death and sustenance in one act, the thing within a thing.
Living’s actions and emotions too often cloud our mind, and we neglect to see the whole of it.
At best this vague life tugs at our being, wishing us to turn to the light of full knowing. If not the shining sun, then to perhaps her earth created spawn – the light of fire.
So encompassing thou art, providing the reality of sustenance, the potential for wisdom and the possibility of riches.
Acknowledging its mystery while recognizing its power leaves one at once breathless and agape.
Full consciousness of the Tao informs one of the responsibility for what She gives, and when one takes from her bounty, there in manifests a debt to be repaid. This gives substance to one’s life.
In the dark, the sightless small young simply follow the blind large elder. Emergence. No longer so young. Not at all small. The light informs. Naked, one gathers strands of silk. Threatened, the awesome four seasons terror meets with power. Power of the mind.
Like new moon sprouts, one’s hue bears notice because life arrives, summoned from non-life, but one’s birthing color shall fade as the seasons, as leaves, as innocence.
With our two hands, we work and create real things, but our mind’s eye too often mistakes ourselves as real creators. We are but tools of the creator.
What power we have when we open our busy kisser, wag our ambivalent tongue and issue homily which inspires certitude, so leading to actualization.
I know my singular present sits impatiently upon my ample past. So, my unique person consists of that malformed past, this hesitant present, and then unfolding fate.
I am at once private and public. For once my domicile’s privacy fades – though carried in my mind’s sanctuary – I walk unsteady upon the nemesis earth.
Use many and create one. Cherish one and you spawn many. A balanced life neither takes nor destroys but creates. And creates!
Knowledge proceeds slow. From it, knowing shoots quick and true and indelibly so.
In the battle to know, many sharp questions must slice and stab and skewer wisdom’s thick skin.
Stop! Put down your tableware. Rather – savor the moment.