Who would you say is more like Satan, Trump or McConnell?
At first blush, this question brings to mind my oft quoted line from King Lear: The Prince of Darkness is a gentleman. If the question were rephrased to Who would you say is more like a gentleman? The query becomes more palatable but far from digestible. This blog raises the question of personal motive over devil’s intent by the “gentleman” McConnell.
Robin Bates paints parallels here. With Democrats as God and healthcare as Adam, he seems to state that Adam/healthcare can’t be saved because of some implausible Justice. McConnell’s determined revenge against Obama sacrifices innocents and achieves payback. In the scale of Justice there is balance but it can hardly be discerned when weighing revenge against the body/bodies pile(d) in the green of Eden or the morgue of St. Somewhere.
Our current unbounded government is likened to the Hell of John Milton’s Paradise Lost. Though Satan has nothing personal against Adam, he rationalizes the carnage as just business. And so, it is with McConnell. Cloaking his malice in “public reason” and “honor”, Mitch characterizes his stealthy proceedings on the GOP Senate AHCA as “promise keeping” and ignores the collateral damage (the suffering of innocents) that the promise promises (i.e. repealing Obamacare). How can one recognize Satan? Look to the savvy gentleman to your right.