Ice Breaker Question: Tom Petty ~ Even the losers get lucky sometimes…
Diffusing the term loser, talk about a brief wondrous time in your life, a time that became way more than you expected and attends your memory even today.
Question of the Night:
Caleb Keeter (after the Las Vegas massacre) ~ I’ve been a proponent of the 2nd amendment my entire life, until the events of last night. I cannot express how wrong I was.
Talk about a once held righteous belief – you know you have them – that became a wrong reality when the deity of life coldly touched you.
Other Questions:
An MGM producer exposed himself to a 12-year-old child star at her first interview with that studio.
If you are the parent, this crime exposes what primal instincts?
If you are the studio executive, this producer exposes you to what corporate liabilities?
If you are the 12-year-old female child star, what sentiments might you secrete and to which must you adapt?
Psychological Theory 1 ~ Genius and madness are in no way incompatible.
Psychological Theory 2 ~ The time will come when science will be capable of “correcting” the brain of a psychopath, but this is unfortunately not yet possible.
What do you think about these two statements, or are they just craziness?
How might correcting a madman corrupt a genius, or do I need to dumb this down for you?
American journalists in North Korea ~ We also heard some people say that while they hate the American government, they harbor no ill will toward Americans and would prefer to live in peace. One woman was nearly in tears describing her mixed feelings about the United States.
Each of us has the capacity to distinguish between a nation’s people and a nation’s government.
What thoughts, emotions, puzzlements emerge when you think of North Korea, Russia, Iran?
What realities do the citizens in these countries have of Great Satan, Duke Nukem, Uncle Scam?
What causes dovish personal beliefs to morph into weaponized political agendas?
Lao Tzu ~ People often spoil their work at the point of its completion. With care at the end as well as the beginning, No work will be spoiled.
Forty years ago, this October, the revered and reviled revolutionary Che Guevara met his fate in Bolivia when his adopted guerrilla tactics failed to adapt to local peasant sentiments.
In your experience, what personal or historical events have you witnessed where “People … spoil their work at the point of its completion.”
Democrats are concentrated in cities. The House is controlled by the country.
If you have a home where the buffalo roam, is Rome just a big city infatuated with past glories, ruled by a complacent, greedy elite, and hopelessly powerless to respond to changing conditions?
Humor? History? Headlines?
Spain’s autonomous region of Catalonia, in a surge of nationalism, voted for secession recently.
Historically, Catalonia’s nationalism emerged haltingly when this sparsely populated domain on the Iberian Peninsula grew wildly and with difficulty. In 878, King Louis II “The Stammerer” talked Charles “The Bald” into naming Wilfred “The Hairy” to head the nation of Catalonia.
Now, in 2017, nationalism seeks to denude Spain of its climacteric Catalans via secession.
Why do thriving states in secure nations seek secession? If nationalism leads to autonomy, and autonomy leads to secession, what does secession lead to? Great nations rise from poverty through united progress and individual prosperity. What naturally follows?