Devices for Rationale When Your Emotions have Failed You

I was at a loss for words, words that perhaps would have gotten me into even more trouble.   I came, I saw, I kept my mouth shut.  If I’m not fired with enthusiasm, I will be fired, with enthusiasm.  I ask not what your company can do for me, but what your company can do for my wallet.  You said I was always late – true enough. You said I was not prepared – true enough. You said I did not defend your statements – true enough.  Is it too late for me to warn:  Judge not, lest ye be judged?  Or maybe: My heart is not judged by how much I despise, but by how much I despise you.  If you do me in today won’t you feel awful tomorrow when you hear,  “He’s passed on! This parasite is no more! He has ceased to be! He’s expired and gone to meet his maker!”  People who like this sort of thing (hating me) will find this the sort of thing they like.  Nothing is worse than doing nothing (but hate me).  I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, starting after you are deceased.  To my thick self, everyone is ‘boring, boring, boring!’  You heard it with our own floppy ears here first.  I try to forget (you’re a jerk), and in the forgetting, you are entirely forgotten. We all want this.  It’s accomplished, we succeeded, won, and walked away victorious. To think clearly and rationally should be a major goal for man (when thinking of you); but to think clearly and rationally is always the greatest difficulty faced by man (when thinking of you).

So, then I pulled out a claw hammer — are you still with me here?  After I did the deed, the car wouldn’t start this time, but at least it didn’t catch on fire (this time).  As I sat waiting for the PoPo, I thought: Many (police) are called, but few are chosen (for humanitarian awards).  As I lay prone on the gravel, they tell me once and I forget.  They beat me twice and I remember. They incarcerate me and I learn a new criminal skill.  No one would suggest that those who are brainless elected to be the class clown.  As the cop’s knee approached my face rapidly, I contemplated: Should I strike now, or bide my time? After that first knee, I began my attack of words:  If you do that one more time, I’m gonna –…  So, I ask you, dear reader, what would you have me do?  My detached self – reacted to my detached retina – it was disturbed — make that appalled — by the spectacle.  Observing my reflection in the pool of blood forming inches from my broken nose, I mused:  You are the fairest flower in this tenement — nay, in the entire barrio.  These dirty cops could do no more to me.  They cannot denigrate, they cannot deprecate, they cannot decry me further.  My fellow marginalized read and studied and wrote and passed and graduated. We fared no better here than those who laughed and played and talked and failed.  So that’s why I’ve prepared a special bullet for a special someone.  I made it nice and hot, just the way you like it.

You found my weakness. You are a hero, a prince, a god!  Coming of cerebral maturity in the year 2000, I am the very model of a mental modern millennial. I’m (bragging you know) uninformed in history, geography, and etiquette.  That’s us.  We not few, we happy but not few, we band of not few happy boorish bothers. As for you, Hero, I have three words for you mental pre-millennials: old, odd, odoriferous.  Going forward, what we will be seeking . . . will be large, stable communities of like-minded people, which is to say, redundantly, sarcastic millennials.  You’ve already seen it, a hundred head of millennials scattered throughout the coffee klatches or spinning their vino at an under-thirty wine bar.

Each word of sarcasm was dull wit from one half so. Frogy croaked – You can tune a guitar, but you can’t tuna fish. Unless of course, you play bass. – like he was Solomon and those words were being spoken for the first time. Don’t judge a fool by his foolishness (he deserves worse). After his laughter died (the extent of the wished for death here) he added – We must all hang together or assuredly we will all hang separately(I’ll do the hangin’ around here, Baba Looey).  Listening to his drone set my blood boiling.  It was a cool 100 degrees in the shade (of my numb scull).  His was an intellect quickly surpassed.  It is a sad state but true. Sudden insecurity and confusion drove him to cliche.  Enter the obnoxious fake laugh primeval.

The assassin was not unacquainted with doofus, you see.  Calling him an idiot would be an insult to stupid people. Are you always this stupid, or are you just making a special effort today?  I told him: Get out of my way, you mouth-breathing cretin.  He moved proudly.  Before he could retort I hit him with the nearest thing, a link sausage (lucky for me).  He shot back: It’s just a flesh wound!  Then fainted at the site of Dijon.  The clash and clang of another whipping sausage jarred him awake. Do not let a gift sausage in your mouth…he thought that was how the phrasing went.  His next salvo was: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you – and let fly his own sausage fusillade.  Seeing my enjoyment of his porcine screed, he screamed: You’re the most arrogant, selfish, self-absorbed, insufferable narcissist I’ve ever met!  Am I blushing?

Fortitude, Attitude, Gratitude – The Dynamics of Crisis

My son and I stepped carefully along the path of debris from the front yard of destruction to the backyard of despair.  On the back is the burn pile.  Though a grown adult, my son turned his head curiously side to side, looking agape, much like his three-year old son did, at the ruin which had accumulated from the recent flood.  Standing at what would be the perimeter of what would be the burn pile at what would be the end of the day, he asked me, “Are you still angry about what happened with the flood?”.  No one had yet asked me that.  But I had an answer, though borrowed from someone far more eloquent than me.  I said, “Anger is a luxury I can’t afford in times like these”.

I can’t afford to be angry.  To get angry.  To stay angry.  I can’t allow self pity.  Not in times like these.  Three weeks ago, I lost most of my possessions, in a flooded house, and saw my poultry business go south, wet light feathers on lead flood waters.  So, for those of you who think I am angry because you did not show up to help, I can’t afford it.  There is too much to clean up.  For those of you who think I’m not calling you because I am wallowing in self pity, I can’t allow self pity.  There are animals to care for, a dwelling to rebuild, a farm to restore.  Don’t get me wrong.  Fortitude, like anger, has its stages.  One day I’ll hate you, but not today.  One day I’ll cry me a river, but it will have to wait.  Today, I’ll have to be strong, which I never was.

The first response of others to another’s crisis is emotional. Sorrys pour like overflow at a spillway in the hundred year flood.  Next, comes logic.  Expressing sorrow can be an easy sell, an inexpensive as a single cell phone call.  There, you’re done.  Check it off, Anton.  Back to your yoga, Yogi.  After the emotional response, logic kicks in.  It should be obvious that something could be done for a friend in need following a devastating flood. The single word flood, even for the thick, should not require a treatise on urgency, devastation, and despair.  But that’s your attitude as a flood survivor…when you are reflecting unto yourself, the victim.

Doing something for someone must take time, will take effort and might even cost money.  This is the over balancing rational of the person who would be help?  Logical questions arrive to rescue them.  Can I afford it in these times?  Can I back out of commitments made while way back in those illogical emotional times?  Can I present convincingly, to the needy and, more importantly to myself, the arguments that justify never showing up and never even calling, for the time being?  Yes!  It just takes attitude.  And then there’s bonus time.  After the victim’s industrial dumpster is overflowing, his wet salvaged coin and currency collection is basking in the sun, and four stray pit-bulls stock his livestock on his semi-abandoned farm, you can pile on with euphemisms.  What’s the matter there, you’ve been keeping a low profile.  Hey, you must be busy there,  ’cause there’s been a failure to communicate.  I guess you’re angry there, you’ll get over it, you always do.

There must be fifty ways to leave your friends in a lurch, many strategies to backing out or never backing in to helping those who suddenly need dumpster service.  Let’s look at three.  Strategy One: You don’t really want to help.  If you don’t really want to help you will use any excuse, it won’t be complicated.  I have to mow the grass.  You know fast it grows in these times?  I must clean the pool.  Don’t you pity me, it takes so much time?  I have Yoga class today (just in time).  Did you know I have perfect attendance (wish me luck!)?  With Strategy One, made-up excuses run out quick.  The reluctant would-be-helper will quickly look to the victim to supply the excuses.

  • I didn’t like your attitude – when I told you I had to mow.
  • I expected you to call me daily – after I cleaned the pool.
  • I assumed you would call me back immediately – after I texted that I wasn’t coming.
  • I know you’re angry – so I won’t show up.

Ad nauseam.

Strategy Two of Help avoidance is justification.  Remember, these are strategies of logic which soon follow reactions of emotion.  Justification!

  • Why should I help you when my problems are bigger than yours?
  • You have (pick one) insurance, income, in-laws, and I don’t.
  • I can’t spend money I don’t have on things I can’t afford for someone who has never been there for me.

With the airtight alibi, which justification yields, you miss the subtlety that reality could bring to self serving faulty perception.  The victim can bypass debate with the justifier’s logic and move him direct past “NO GO” to the stunning conclusion that: When a disaster victim needs help, they don’t care what your excuse or justification is. “I needed help and you didn’t show up”.  It is without measure.

Strategy Three of Help avoidance is being busy.  I’m busy.  I actually prefer this one.  It leaves the disaster-victim-needing-help nowhere to go.  With Strategy One, you have excuse by number.  With Strategy Two, you have excuse by values.  But with Strategy Three you have no excuses.  Can’t be challenged or debated or rationalized or justified.  I’m not coming.  End of story.  Kinda.  Well sorta.  Busy is the antidote to most problems in life.  If you lost everything in a flood, get busy.  If you lost your income and are waiting for financial collapse, get busy.  If you have a small business and too much work to rescue other people, save yourself, stay busy.  You might lose a friend because you’re too busy to help them or call them or think about them.  But if you are busy, you have plenty to keep you that way, and another friend will wander in off the street as soon as that ex-friend departs on the next flood waters and leaves an opening. A.M.F.

What is it you can’t create in another person?  I’m going to elect the emotion empathy.  What is it you can’t explain in yourself?  I’m going to give the word gratitude.  My precious emotion is gratitude.  The number of that beautiful beast is 27.  Twenty-seven helpers showed up yesterday to clean-up my washout.  I did nothing to create the empathy they felt…it was already there.  They did everything to explain the gratitude I feel for their effort…it was created by them.  Just when you least expect it, just what you least expect.  My Damascus Moment always rolls in on a wave of disaster and leaves me on a higher dryer place, with a bit wiser perspective.  Thanks be to those with innate empathy.  Praise be to the emotional option of empathy, resulting in my emotional gratitude, symbolized by the number 27, and emblematic of a higher place which reason, justification, and self-importance never reach.  I have to go.  I’m very busy you know.

When you are first fleeing disaster, you don’t stand on ceremony.  When you are next faced with survival, excuses don’t sit well.  By the time you reach out for recovery, you know where your friends lie.

What Did You Do? – The House of Emancipation, Emotion, and Empathy

This article is about the TV show House MD, Season 5, Episode 8 – Titled: Emancipation

This is my favorite episode of House MD for more reasons than I can count and for deeper reasons than I can understand.  Why would a minor seek emancipation (divorce from parents)?  What’s worse than rape?  Does being rational before emotional mean there is no emotion to process?  These are very specific topics but, with a step back, one can imagine related resolutions, traumas, and rational in their own life journey.  How about resolutions such as actual divorce or even unfriending?  What if there is extreme guilt over the terrible harm one has brought upon another?   How can anyone justify empathy for another person when they are blinded by their own despair?  What does Dr. House say?

Here is a partial plot summary from Wikipedia:

The team takes on the case of a 16-year-old factory manager who fell ill when her lungs suddenly filled with fluid while at work. The teenager informs House and the team that she is an emancipated minor living on her own and supporting herself, and has been doing so ever since her parents died. The team begins treatment for suspected heart problems, but Kutner chooses to sympathize with the patient rather than follow House’s directions and gives her steroids instead of beta-blockers. She has a psychotic break. An MRI shows that the patient lied about her parents’ deaths. She says that she had emancipated herself because her father raped her and mother pretended it didn’t happen.

The first thing I learned from this episode was that there is such a thing as Emancipation of a minor: divorce from parents.  I had heard of people wanting to “divorce” their parents but I didn’t know that it was an actual “thing”.  I can understand this desire in a fit of anger but going through with it would seem to be more trouble than it would be worth.  So, yeah, a teenager that goes through with emancipation is a seriously upset kiddo.

The second thing I learned from this episode was that there are somethings worse than rape.  When the girl says she was raped she figured she had sure buy in.  A rape accusation is an automatic pass to believing the victim.  Logic and scrutiny are usually put aside.  But why would someone lie about rape as part of a strategy of avoidance and put life at risk?  And how do you get beyond her deception and into the truth?  By pure logic and scrutiny.  Rules of thumb or thumb screws?  Truth serum or lye in the eye? Torture or torch her?  No.  It’s benevolence stupid.  Try to understand her as you understand anyone else.  The value in relations is benevolence.  To achieve benevolence one must comprehend human nature.  That is Dr. House’s greatest talent.

The third thing I learned from this episode was that decisions are always emotional before they are rational.  When someone comes to you with an airtight excuse, alibi, or explanation for their behavior, you should call bullshit.  The underlying motive and initial reason is emotional.  Everything else is window dressing.  As the explanation becomes more logical and even accusative of you, that person drifts into repetition and hyperbole.  This happens so often when friends don’t show.  They are trying to convince you of their lie.  Don’t buy it because, if you do, get ready for more of the same.  This type of behavior especially happens when you are in crisis and need them.  If you don’t buy their lie, they take the position that you are angry.  If, indeed, you are in a time of crisis, anger is a luxury you can’t afford in those times.  Cut them lose.  They are excess baggage.  They’ll get heavier with time.

When All You Have is Dumpster, Mud, Sweat and Empty Beer Bottles – A Day at Sawmyl Synders

Three things were scheduled.  Two things were started.  One thing got done.  So it goes daily at the delta formerly known as Sawmyl Synders.  I wanted to finish pressure washing the mud out of the back section of my barn.  I hoped to clean and sweep the now sparse bathroom for appearance this weekend.  I wished that my giant dumpster was delivered early so that the bags of maggots and summits of sheet rock could be disposed.  The dumpster arrived!

I worked most of the morning moving boxes and shelves in the back of the barn.  After this step, the large shelves could be moved and boxes and tubs could be transferred from other shelves and the process could be repeated.  The first layer of creek mud was washed out off the cement floor through two holes in the corners of that slick barn.  Next it was super squeegee time.  In two hours the cement floor was no longer slippery – but I was.  Time for a big break.

I intended to air dry – myself – in the dwelling’s air conditioning while doing some work online.  However, my little Verizon brick (internet connection device) broke.  The battery had swelled, maybe it had exploded, for sure it had tried to say goodbye to me with a suffocated display.  What to do?  See the thieves at Verizon of course.  But not before taking a cold water shower in a debris scattered tub behind a filthy but serviceable plastic curtain.   At the Verizon store, in the early afternoon, on a 90+ degree day I got the call.  The boys from Caron Services came through with my dumpster order early.  But I only had a few minutes to turn around and go north back to the homestead.  Just made it.

As I stood and watched the dumpster delivery guy leave, with my boot bottoms firmly caked in mud, and another slick film beginning to form on my pale freckled and scarred skin, I thought of only one thing.  Beer.  Dark beer.  Strong dark beer.  Cold strong dark beer.  All I had was empty beer bottles.  Lots.  It was almost three so I had to go directly to pick up my own sweet Vee.  Don’t be late and don’t be hurried, if you do she might be worried.  Burma Shave.

Today, I have a FEMA Disaster Recovery guy coming at 9 A.M. and he wants paper proof that I own the house.  All of that is soaking somewhere on the grounds.  Today, I have a friend coming over to take a look at my small engine equipment to see if he can do anything to fix them after the flood.  Today, I must complete pressure washing the barn and sweep the bathroom.  And of course there is the dumpster.  When all you have is dumpster, mud, sweat, and empty beer bottles, be sure to remember that – every descent has an ascent in it’s future.

Three things are planned today – deal with FEMA, finish the barn cleana, and load stuff at the dumpster arena.  I hope I don’t make too much noise for the non-existent neighbors or that the stink I stir up doesn’t bother the wildlife.  I could use a beer right now.

Flood Clean-up Day Tasks I Didn’t Think Of

Saturday is fast approaching.  I ordered a three cubic yard dumpster for Friday.  It’s Wednesday and I feel like…

I can’t pull my car out of the mud and I’m in the middle of nowhere and its pouring rain and I can’t get the top back up and my paycheck’s all blurred and my foot went right through the gas and my girl’s screaming bloody murder because she’s scared of the dark and a stroke of lightning splits my motor in half and my suit’s shrinking up fast and I start up the windy road on foot and sixty yards of barbed wire hits me right smack in the puss and we both fall down in the mud and then a wild animal comes over and runs away with my shoes and my car blows up suddenly and my windshield-wiper ends up in my mouth and I can’t move and the mud’s rising up to my nostrils and I’m sinking fast and I don’t hear my girl screaming anymore…

I need to occupy my mind.  I need to think about the things that need to be done and stop thinking about the terrible things that might happen next.  How about tasks for the work crew this weekend?  I cleaned the house flooring of debris so that preparations for construction can proceed.  I pressure washed the barn and garage so that no one slips and falls doing their appointed tasks.  I picked up broken mirrors and scattered nails so that cuts and punctures are minimized.  I made a list of tasks.  What tasks did I leave out?

Here’s a task: rock raking.  When the flood waters rushed over Nichols Sawmill Road and out of the angry creek, my pebbles were displaced.  Someone has to take a long and stealthy rake and smooth out the driveway path.

Here’s another task: timber stack attack.  There is a stack 200 landscape timbers which was carried across the back pasture and is now pinned against the far fence.  Someone has to pick them up, two by two, and re-stack them back in the center of the field.

Here’s one more: feeder foundation fixing.  There are four fifty-pound capacity poultry feeders lifted by the flood waters and carried on the cement blocks.  Those heavy wooden contraptions need to be scraped and emptied and returned to the appropriate cement block pedestal.

Here’s a task: Coop II resurrection.  This chicken coop is impassable and needs to have several items removed before even its chicken feeder can be accessed.

Here’s a task: rose garden flowerbed timber job.  The entire landscape timber border was lifted out of place in tact and needs to be re-positioned by a couple of strong bodies.

Here’s a task: wooden telephone pole removal.  A ten foot piece of telephone pole is wedged near the front porch and needs to be removed by a couple of strong bodies.

Here’s a task: barn frontage trash removal.  Several garbage bags and cans of refuse sit outside the barn and need to betaken to dumpster.

Here’s a task: refrigerator extrication.   My garage refrigerator was picked up by flood waters and placed in the middle of my sixteen-foot trailer but must be removed and moved to the salvage yard.

Here’s a task: lumber load-up.  I have several pieces of dimensioned lumber which needs to be gathered together into the yard known as the picnic area.

Here’s a task: wire roll-out.  The different types of fencing wire on the trailer and in the field need to be put in one place for future organization.

Here’s a task: burn notice.  Anything that will burn without fumes or hazard should be pile in the back for later blaze.

Sorry Seems to be the Easiest Word – When BFF’s don’t show for Flood Cleanup

My wife and I, our house flooded last May.  Our son, his house flooded last April.  His friend, her house was flooded, too.  Besides all of us now living together in our son’s under construction, small, three-bedroom house, what else do you think we have in common?  For flood victims, a flood being a huge problem is a common condition.  It’s not just the loss.  The living arrangements are desperate, the cleanup is critical, and life must go on for pets and livestock.  Flood victims deserve some consideration from those who are made aware but who are not affected. Every caring person should think this way.  However, that’s just the way flood-way victims think.  This thinking may not be in the consciousness of their BFF’s – who know of it but never show up to push a mop.  I have been pondering this phenomenon in my new swamp dwelling for the past couple of weeks and I have concluded that there is simply something that I don’t know or understand.  The BFF’s called and said, very convincingly, how sorry they were about the flood and the loss.  Each BFF said to “let them know” what he or she could do for us, the victims.  The BFF’s said they mourned our loss and volunteered to help.  But those who most easily say sorry are most prominently no-shows.  I thought surely they would help, if they could help.  Surely, they’ll find the time.  Surely, they’ll consider our past and our future and act in the present.  We are, after all, BFF’s, am I right?

An answer to my puzzlement, puzzlement over BNS (BFF No Shows), came softly and subtly.  Our son’s friend, who is staying with us, told me of her parallel experience.  Her BFF, having all the equipment and skill for flood mitigation, never stopped by, never seriously offered a reason why, never said boo.  But then at a recent gathering, pictures of her dwelling “deluge” were shared.  A picture is worth a thousand words.  No verbal pleas could bring the BFF over to that disaster area but pictures brought over reality.  The BFF understood now, maybe even felt guilty.  Even though the facts were spoken clear enough, recognizing what they meant – was missed.  I had my answer to my own conundrum.  It wasn’t something I was missing or misunderstood.  That something was them.  Was it that the carefree BFF’s couldn’t see the forest for the debris, couldn’t hear the words above their own self-importance, couldn’t feel the pain for their lack of compassion?  No.  They were BUSY!

So, if a certain busy BFF didn’t show up at your after flood party, you aren’t alone.  If they continue for weeks to tell you how busy they are and never show up, it’s just because they’re not getting the picture.  It may be, they surmise, that if you are STILL really needing help, that you will call them – again – to find out what time they’re NOT showing up that day.  It may be that they’re expecting you to offer them a hot meal if they show up at your place after they have completed their daily routine.  Perhaps, one day in the future, they plan to help you for two hours at four o’clock in the afternoon, but only if they can take a one hour break for that hot meal you promised.  Maybe, after their yard is mowed, their pool is cleaned, their errands are run, their hours are worked, their other BFF’s are helped, and their yoga class is over, they’ll show.  Surprise!  They still haven’t gotten the picture yet.

Of Friendship: A Look at Francis Bacon’s Essay in Context

Analysis of Bacon’s Essay “Of Friendship” by Kiran.A.K.L. (The 3 Fruits of Friendship)

Kiran first explains Baconian style as following the two fundamental Renaissance principles of:

  1. Search for Knowledge and
  2. The Art of Rhetoric

Each of these are presented in an aphoristic style.  But, according to the reviewer, the essay Of Friendship is different in that it contains passionate and flattering statements and profuse analogies with examples to support or explain his arguments.  I find Kiran’s finding puzzling.  All of Bacon’s essays contain passionate and flattering statements and profuse analogies with a plethora of examples to support and no shortage of explanations for his arguments.  And then some.  Kiran possibly used his prior finding as a segue to insert the fact that the essay was requested by a friend.  He then quotes Aristotle again: Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god.  Dog or God.

Kirin then quotes Bacon’s essay, stating that friendship is necessary for maintaining good mental health by controlling and regulating the passions of the mind. Bacon speaks of the therapeutic use of friendship through which one can lighten the heart by revealing the pent-up feelings and emotions: sorrows, joys, fears, hopes, suspicions, advice.  So, the first (1) and principal fruit of friendship is good mental health.

Note here that if Bacon’s assessment is taken as fact, then a relationship that degrades one’s mental health, disturbs the passions to extremes, heavies the heart, inflames feelings and emotions, is a litmus test which reveals what you all ready suspect – your companion is not a friend.

Bacon justifies friendship by pointing out that royalty makes friends by “raising” persons fit for friendship.  I’m not sure exactly how this would work.  He tries to glorify friendship by translating a Roman term for friendship which means ‘sharers of their cares’.   Today we would say Care Bears.  He gives examples of deterioration of mental faculty because of loneliness.  That’s simply crazy.  Bacon asserts that friendship functions in a double manner: “…it doubles joys, and cuts griefs in half”.  Much like the Doublemint Twins of today who provide joyous chewing gum and grievous television commercials but also leave you something to stick under your desk at work for later.

Bacon’s second (2) fruit of friendship is clarity.  A friend clarifies confusions, his counsel is “drier and purer” than the counsel of one’s self, counsel out of self love.  With a friend there are two kinds of counsel: manners and business. Constructive criticism of behavior is better than that of a book of morality – but more boring than the Kama Sutra.  In business, a true friend’s advice helps one avert danger – usually taking you straight into poverty.

The third (3) fruit of friendship is help.  Bacon quotes “a friend is another self”, that friend can achieve unfulfilled desires and can talk to you on equal terms.  Kiran concludes that Bacon concludes that a man’s life is concluded if he does not have a friend.  If you have the usual procession of faux friends, the ones that never show-up when you need them, life with these “friends” is hell on earth and if this all you have then your life needs to be concluded or they need to be excluded from your life.

So, boys and girls, what have we learned from reviewing Kiran’s look at Bacon’s essay on Of Friendship?
One thing you should have noted, though unstated, is that this essay (and each of Bacon’s essays) is written by and for men and their manly friendships.  Women’s friendships weren’t important in 16th century Europe (for a good laugh read Bacon’s take on women in his essay Of Anger).  In any case the key take away is that Kiran see’s Bacon’s essay Of Friendship as consisting of 3 beneficial fruits:
  1. mental health: modulate passions, lighten the heart
  2. clarity: pure insight into the confusions of behavior and business
  3. help: fulfill needs, desires, and tasks while communicating without deference or condescension.

The benefits of friendship are:

  1. Does that other person (think contemporary here, you can include females) incite destructive passion and heavy your heart?
  2. Does that other person cause your behavior to be confused or even amoral and lead into business bungles?
  3. When you need help whether it be with future goals (like keeping my head above water) or present tribulations (like a farging flood where 90% of my possessions floated south to the Gulf of Mexico) or in analyzing past personal mysteries (like why some mental case didn’t show up for an emergency as promised), does this “friend” show up with straight talk and a helping hand or do that person stand on ceremony?

If you can’t enter yes to all three questions, it’s time to exit this one relationship.  There must be 50 ways.

OF FRIENDSHIP: analysis by paragraph with comments on style and other notes.

by Pat Der Sin

Friendship is the determinate as to whether a person is human or not.  If you have no friends you are either a wild beast or a god.  Take note all you workaholics and hustlers.  Now the friendless can be distinguished by their pursuits as to whether they are beast or god.  If solitude and aversion towards society is a product of higher conversion from heathen to hermit to holy father, you might be a god.  If you are a practicing beast, raise you paw or claw.  Without friends the world is wilderness.  In between friendships the world is a journey.  In found friendship, the world stops spinning out of control and waits to see how long your relations will last.  I like particularly, in this first paragraph, this series:

  • For a crowd is not company; and faces are but a gallery of pictures; and talk but a tinkling cymbal, where there is no love.

This Bacon sizzles and entices the reader all the way to its period.  “No Love” is the object. But how did we get there?  Well, if there IS love then there must be company in that crowd, or feelings in those faces, or a resounding cymbal the spoken language.  Check your crowd, faces, and talk the next time you’re out and about.  Do you feel me?

Bacon’s principal fruit of friendship is analogized to the practice of medicine.  He lists the cures for physical ailments then imparts that friendship is the cure for mental and emotional ailments.  In today’s medical practice, my cardiologist doesn’t consider your problem her problem unless it involves making money.  That means expensive surgery or dangerous drugs are the only solution, even if there is no problem.  In other words, if she were your friend and you were bound and gagged and chained to a chair, she would recommend a stent and a statin which carries a number of warnings from the FDA and the dubious American Heart Association.  Surgery and prescriptions is the only stuff American health insurance pays for these days.  It’s not the doctor’s fault, they’re following protocol you know.

Bacon has two paragraphs on kings and princes and other Roman royalty which describes how important friends are and even how friends are raised, much like my deceased chickens.  The second paragraph details a rather dense review of how the Roman cow ate the romaine cabbage, which I find of little use in my exploration of friendship for application in today’s context.  Oh, if could only be 100 BC.

Bacon calls those who do not seek the counsel of friends “Cannibals of their own hearts”.  Pretty neat!  Lack of joy and preponderance of grief can be relieved by the joker you call friend and you can that hearty heart meal for later when you have run them off due to your own pretentiousness and condescension.

The second fruit of friendship is understanding.  A friend provides clarity, order, and wisdom.  Counsel that is considerate yet free of emotions comes from a friend whether it is on behavior or business.  One’s faults can be acknowledged when presented by a friend.  Errors and extremes can be avoided when another walks you through the perils of your personal purpose.

There are many things a man can’t do himself.  There are so many of those things that can be done with, by, and because of friend.  Without a friend, your life’s work is over when you die.  With a friend, your life continues and things continue to get done in your name.



Increased Cost of Compliance – How the FEMA Boys Explain It

My flooded dwelling may qualify for additional government funding if it is certified as substantially damaged.  All I need is a local government building inspector to certify that my dwelling was substantially damaged (i.e. more than 50% of market value).  Montgomery County Texas does not employee building inspectors therefore acquiring a certificate is a Catch 22.  I have called everyone from FEMA to city to county to my insurance agent to private building inspectors, I have not even received a return phone call let alone an answer.  So, drink up!  Following are extracts, paraphrasing and commentary on the explanation of the Increased Cost of Compliance documentation at the site on that confounding creation of circuitous conduits known to the naive as the inter-web.

~ICC Coverage

If your home or business is damaged by a flood, you may be required to meet certain building requirements in your community to reduce future flood damage before you repair or rebuild. To help you cover the costs of meeting those requirements, the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) includes Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC) coverage for all new and renewed Standard Flood Insurance Policies.

! How much? How much? How much? How much? How much? How much? How much?

Flood insurance policyholders in high-risk areas, also known as special flood hazard areas, can get up to $30,000 to help pay the costs to bring their home or business into compliance with their community’s floodplain ordinance.

COMMENTARY – One demolition estimate was $15 a square foot which puts my demolition cost at $15,000.  An estimate for a cement foundation was approximately $7 a square foot which puts my new foundation cost at $7,000.  Setting up a manufactured home can run around $5,000.  The rough total here, with the cost of an actual dwelling not included is $27,000.  The ICC stipend is $30,000, as every jerk in every conversation would sarcastically spit, you do the math.

Four Options FEMA Features for Flooded Fugitives

There are four options you can take to comply with your community’s floodplain management ordinance and help you reduce future flood damage. You may decide which of these options is best for you.

  1. Elevation. This raises your home or business to or above the flood elevation level adopted by your community.  THIS IS A POSSIBILITY BUT HOW HIGH?  AT WHAT COST?  ON A SUBSTANTIALLY DAMAGED 50 YEAR OLD DWELLING, REALLY?
  2. Relocation. This moves your home or business out of harm’s way.  MOVING MY TINY 50 YEAR SUBSTANTIALLY DAMAGED HOUSE IS NOT GOING TO KEEP IT FROM GETTING ANY SICKER?
  4. Floodproofing. This option is available primarily for non-residential buildings. It involves making a building watertight through a combination of adjustments or additions of features to the building that reduces the potential for flood damage.  THIS ONE DOESN’T EVEN APPLY.

~When to file an Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC) claim

You may file a claim for your Increased Cost of Compliance coverage (ICC) in two instances:

    1. If your community determines that your home or business is damaged by flood to the point that repairs will cost 50 percent (fifty %) or more of the building’s pre-damage market value. This is called substantial damage.
    2. If your community has a repetitive loss provision in its floodplain management ordinance and determines that your home or business was damaged by a flood two times in the past 10 years, where the cost of repairing the flood damage, on the average, equaled or exceeded 25 percent of its market value at the time of each flood. This is called repetitive damage. Additionally, there must have been flood insurance claim payments for each of the two flood losses.

~How to file an ICC claim

Your ICC claim is adjusted separately from the flood damage claim you file under your Standard Flood Insurance Policy. You can only file an ICC claim if your community determines that your home or business has been substantially damaged or repetitively damaged by a flood. This determination is made when you apply for a building permit to begin repairing your home or business.

If your community does determine that your home or business is substantially or repetitively damaged, a local official will explain the floodplain management ordinance provisions that you will have to meet. You may also want to consult with the local official before you make the final decision about which of the options to pursue.

Once your community has made this determination, contact the insurance company or agent who wrote your flood policy to file an ICC claim. Your insurer will assign a claims representative who will help you process your ICC claim. You should start getting estimates from contractors to take the necessary steps to do one of these:

  1. elevate
  2. relocate
  3. flood-proof
  4. demolish

~How your ICC claim payment is handled

You may be able to receive a partial payment once the claims representative has:

  1. a copy of the signed contract for the work,
  2. a permit from the community to do the work, and
  3. a return of your signed ICC Proof of Loss.

If the work is not completed, you must return any partial payment to your insurer.

When the work is completed local officials will:

  1. inspect and
  2. issue a certificate of occupancy or a confirmation letter.

Once you submit this document to your claims representative, your insurer will pay the final installment or full payment.

ICC claims will only be paid on flood-damaged homes and businesses, and can only be used to pay for costs of meeting the floodplain management ordinance in your community.


  1. A dwelling’s repair cost must be greater than 50% of the pre-damaged market value, this is defined as substantial damage, to qualify for ICC.
  2. ICC maximum amount is $30,000 and can be spent to elevate the current structure, relocate the current structure, or demolish the current structure.
  3. In Montgomery County Texas the person who must certify that the dwelling is substantially damaged is (believed to be) the local county commissioner, in lieu of a county building inspector.
  4. Payment of ICC funds, after certification of substantial damage, requires signed contracts, building permits, signed Proof of Loss, inspection, and certificate of occupancy.

An Infinity of Impediments

So, you were flooded in Magnolia, Texas May 26th 2016 and you don’t want to rebuild.  If you have a mortgage, your mortgagee will have something to say about that.  Your home loan was appraised in two parts: land and improvements.  The improvements consist of the dwelling, detached garage, outbuildings, etc.  In my case these are the dwelling and garage plus a barn.  As you make payments on your loan, your debt is apportion-ally paid off proportionally among the land and the dwellings.  Therefore, when you have a dwelling appraised at $50K and you make $50K worth of payments the dwelling is not paid off.  With a property that is appraised in total at $200K, the other portion is the land, valued at $150K.  The formula for calculating the remaining mortgage amount on the dwelling is: Payoff = (P/A)*D, where P is sum of principal payments, A is the original total appraised value, and D is original dwelling appraised value. So, for example, if the numbers mentioned above are plugged into the formula we have:

Payoff = ($50K / $100K) * $50K = 50% * $50K = $25K Payoff Dwelling

You can see why a demolition is not an easy decision.  Basically, a person who has no place to live must pay a portion or all of the insurance to the mortgagee if one decides to replace the permanent dwelling with, for example, an elevated manufactured home.  Manufactured homes are considered personal property because they can be moved upon vacating the premises.

Rebuilding may be the only option for some, especially those with no insurance.  If one must rebuild, consideration for future flooding has to be on one’s mind.  Certainly, putting things high (how high?), water proof or water resistant considerations, and maybe more sparsely furnished and with second hand furniture.  But you can’t water proof carpet padding, tile grout, fiberglass insulation, and drywall.  All of these items must go each time it floods.  On the other hand, you don’t have to put carpeting or tile on the floor.  You don’t have to seal fiberglass bats behind drywall.  In fact, it is not necessary to use drywall or wood based paneling either.  How about a floor that doesn’t care if it gets wet?  What if the fiberglass insulation could be immediately accessed after the flood waters recede?  How about a wallboard that will resist water and endure for ages?

The idea of painting the bare concrete, much like a garage floor, and sealing, then using area rugs on top might be the trick.  As far as quick access to the fiberglass: an extra wide base molding (7.25″), screwed into place could be easily removed and allow for air and mold disinfectant to be applied.  Also, there is HardieTrim crown moulding as an extra touch.  Of course, the reason for the extra wide molding would be because the wall-boards would be cut short to allow an air access gap at the bottom.  If the replacement board is required to be 4 feet high, cut it to 3.5 and screw the base board on to cover the gap.  As for the semi-impermeable wallboard – use HardiePanel!  The 8X4 panels at 5/16 thickness, can be cut to appropriate size and screwed into place.  If the base boards are also HardiePanel, that fact may save another piece of material from being pried off and thrown in the yard for disposal.  None of this takes nightmare out of a flood.  All together, it is an attempt to mitigate that nightmare when it occurs and to shorten its duration.

In the above paragraph, I reference HardieTrim and HardiePanel which are patented cement board that is very popular in today’s building community.  Even though it is touted as the best and most durable material for building covering, there are also many drawbacks and complaints.  I am writing about problems but solutions, so I started to look for other paneling material that is water proof or resistant.


I Don’t Know Tour – Jimmy Buffett – Unsung Dear-O’s

Last night we attended the Houston iteration of the Jimmy Buffett “I Don’t Know” tour at Cynthia Woods Pavilion.  Since we flooded more than a week ago on May 26th, 2016, there hasn’t been a lot of singing at Sawmyl Synders, not even karaoke.  I always love going to the Jimmy Buffett concerts no matter the venue, the conditions, or the songs that are sung.  At our first concert at Minute Maid Park, Houston’s baseball diamond, a man in a coconut bra was cited for indecent exposure.  At the Paris, France, concert in 2013, someone’s floating balloon blocked the vision of dozens all night and never got popped.  Last night, the lawn people got a shower as Mother Nature arrived early and took a seat on top of the only partially prepared but fully un-surprised patrons.  I know of at least one person that does not attend Jimmy’s Doings anymore because they don’t like half the songs.

Everyone stands at the beginning of the concert, at the end of the venue and in between when the great old fun songs are sung.  But, most people sit, make beer runs or talk among themselves when the OTHER new fad songs are hung.  Myself, I wish for certain songs to occur, the ones that stir my spirit but I know they’ll remain unsung.


~Firstly, “Last Mango in Paris” (1985) takes me away, a long way, to a modest yellow balcony, a small silver revolver and a tiny banana bolso.  It has added meaning as time goes by, such as when the pick pockets of  Paris partied with us and Jimmy not that long ago –

“I had a third world girl in Buzios, With a pistol in each hand…”;

Tony Tarracino, known as Captain Tony to parrotheads, was the owner of Captain Tony’s Saloon and former Key West Mayor, was immortalized by Jimmy Buffett in the song “Last Mango In Paris”.  He married four times and fathered 13 children. A film titled “The Cuba Crossing” recounts his story; Stewart Whitman played Captain Tony.  Captain Tony also authored a book with Brad Manard, called “Life Lessons of a Legend.”

~Then Fruitcakes – Released in 1994, I wasn’t able to find any “meaning” documented on the internet so I’ll add my own…

It’s the Buddhist in you, it’s the pagan in me
It’s the Muslim in him, she’s Catholic ain’t she?
It’s that born again look, it’s the wasp and the Jew
Tell me what’s goin on, I ain’t got a clue

I’m starting with the above lyric because I believe that most people look at the world and think it’s crazy because of THEM.  Jimmy is pointing out that much of what is craziness is merely individual truths bumping up against each other.  It is the lack of acknowledgement of this pseudo fact that creates the illusion of insanity in reality.  To use a metaphor from current events: When overnight the great river overflowed its banks, the City of Light, Paris, was declared in Seine.

~Also, Growing Older But Not Up:

So now don’t get me wrong
This is not a sad song
Just events that I have happened to witness
And time takes it’s toll as we head for the poll
And no one dies from physical fitness

~Again, getting old, Migrations:

Well, now if I ever live to be an old man
I’m gonna sail down to Martinique
I’m gonna buy me a sweat-stained Bogart suit
And an African parakeet

And then I’ll sit him on my shoulder
And open up my trusty old mind
I gonna teach him how to cuss, teach him how to fuss
And pull the cork out of a bottle of wine

~The Stories We Could Tell:

Stared at that guitar in that museum in Tennessee
Nameplate on the glass brought back twenty melodies
Scars upon the face told of all the times he fell
Singin’ all the stories he could tell

~Cowboy In the Jungle (1978): There are several articles written about Theodore Roosevelt exploring The River of Doubt which refer to the former president as “Cowboy in the jungle”.

We’ve gotta roll with the punches
Learn to play all of our hunches
Makin’ the best of whatever comes your way
Forget that blind ambition
And learn to trust your intuition
Plowin’ straight ahead come what may.
And there’s a cowboy in the jungle.

~Boat Drinks (1979): (from Song Facts) Buffett: It was February in Boston, and I was cold and wanted to go home.  I came out of the bar and couldn’t find a cab except for the one that was running in front of the nearby hotel. There was no driver in it, and I was too cold to care about the consequences.  I hopped in and drove back to my hotel. I did leave the fare on the seat.

I’d like to go where the pace of life’s slow.
Could you beam me somewhere, Mister Scott?
Any old place here on Earth or in space.
You pick the century and I’ll pick the spot.

~We are the People Our Parents Warned Us About (1983, One Particular Harbor)…This happens to also be the motto of the Bandidos motorcycle gang.

I was supposed to have been a Jesuit priest or a Naval Academy grad
That was the way that my parents perceived me
Those were the plans that they had
Though I couldn’t fit the part too dumb or too smart
Ain’t it funny how we all turned out
I guess we are the people our parents warned us about

Hey hey, Gardner McKay, take us on the leaky Tiki with you… Actor Gardner McKay is best known for the lead role in the TV series “Adventures in Paradise (TV series)”, in which he, on the schooner Tiki III, sailed the South Pacific.

Just Evolveu