A solitary cob web floated in stealth, moving with the subtle breezes generated by movements of those below. Unable to escape because of its attachments. Content in its corner…as long it as existed unnoticed by them. A fragile existence may continue for quite a long time but always ends quickly.
Henry always acted reliably but wished he didn’t always.
Sheena always got what she wanted but wished she were sometimes deprived.
Henry believed that Sheena was the Princess from Pandora but that didn’t make it so.
Sheena believed here femininity was stronger than any masculinity but this belief had already been tested by time.
Henry survived because he knew he was timid and weak and out of touch.
Sheena knew she was alluring and unaffected and young but had never considered that she had any vulnerabilities.
The bright sun reflected off a mirror into Henry’s face. Where was he? His eyes were shut but he sensed the light. He could not open his eyes, he remembered something about this…was it a dream? With arms pinned at his sides and the feel of grit and the smell of dust…he was buried alive. At least he was alive.
But wait…he could move his head and there was light shining on his eyelids…he was breathing. Yikes, he had heard about this – commercial organ harvesting! The horror of this thought caused him to force his pinned arms from his sides involuntarily. The hopelessness of this mutilation caused him to cry in futility.
His tears moistened his eyelids. His eyes peeked through the gauze of crusted sand. He was not in a grave but a bathtub. He was not covered with dirt but grout. He had not lost any organs…except maybe his mind.
Looking to his right he saw a large hole in the tiled wall. A head size hole. A Henry head size hole. How did this happen? He wasn’t bleeding. His didn’t even have a headache. He simultaneously smelled it and saw it. Thank god for mildew! He crashed his hard head into the soft wall and it gave way. Questions remained, but for now, by the nature of the sounds coming from the adjacent room, he knew it to be the bedroom, he had better, exit with extreme haste.
Something slept. Something. It should simply be his date, Sheena. But no one snored like that. No human could make that vibration and continuous both in and out. That deep and satiated resonance telling him something about what happened but he wasn’t going to stick around and ask questions. It was time to go full coward.
Henry climbed out through the bathroom window. Tumbling on to the porch, he regained his feet in one gymnastic motion and, it seemed, they never touched again until he was pressing his accelerator. Now that he felt safe, his instincts forced him to look back and up to 8D. He squinted to see what might be framed in the middle window. It was dark and blue and there was movement. A large silhouette could be detected behind the sheers. As the shape turned in profile, Henry could verify it was the shape of a woman that watched his now reluctant departure.