
What evidence can a nurse have which the pathologist does not?

The remains of the day on November 22nd, 1963 were those of the President of the United States. When nurses Diana Hamilton Bowron and Margaret M. Henchliffe, who had assisted the team of doctors in the emergency room, saw a back wound (a bullet entry wound was found several inches below the collar line and lodged deep in his shoulder) while undressing and cleaning the deceased.

This contradicts the Warren Commission finding that the wound was near the base of the neck. Secret Service agent Roy Kellerman verified that the dead President had a hole in his shoulder when he was lifted up in the morgue. Also, Kellerman added the throat had hole (an entrance wound at the Adam’s apple). Secret Service agent Glen A. Bennett saw that shot hit the President about four inches down from his right shoulder.

Why would a inquest present an artist rendering of a deceased wounds when autopsy photos are available?

Dr. Humes presented schematic drawings prepared under his supervision by a medical artist which show the wound in the lower neck. But in his handwritten autopsy report, a diagram shows the wound below the neckline.

When should a pathologist burn his original autopsy notes?

Commander J.J. Humes performed the autopsy. He stated that he burned his preliminary draft autopsy report in the fireplace of his recreation room. In the same Warren commission exhibit he stated that he transmitted “all” other papers related to the autopsy to “higher authority”. Humes autopsy report bears no date and was not released until weeks after the report was completed.

Who has the authority to direct autopsy?

It wasn’t Humes.

Which hospital did a body first arrive to?

It wasn’t Bethesda. It was Walter Reed. There is a plaque commemorating the event.

Where is the brain that tells the direction of fire?

It wasn’t taken by Bobby Kennedy.  It disappeared from the archives.

How many bullets entered the victim’s body?

It wasn’t two. The neck the back and two in the head.

How much time does it take to fire a bolt action rifle?

It wasn’t six seconds.